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Chemical differentiation of planets: a core issue

Last Updated: Thursday, 05 March 2015 15:46

Written by Viacheslav Zgonnik.


New article of the Larin’s together with IFP Energies nouvelles:


Chemical differentiation of planets: a core issue


In this article we demonstrate the physical meaning of the distribution of chemical elements on Earth surface as a function of their first ionization potentials. Accordingly, we show that the reported surface chemical composition of the different planets gathered by different space missions on Venus, Moon and Mars, as well as the chemical composition of chondrites from the asteroid belt are dependent to their distance to central star, the Sun (see Figure 3 in the article). The general tendency lies in the fact that the farther a body is located from the Sun, the smaller amount of easy ionized elements it contains and, vice versa, the closer this body is to the sun, the higher is the amount of such elements in it. This dependency, which is observed on factual data, strongly supports the idea that at the initial stage of formation, the Solar system material was - at least partially- in the state of an ionized gas. This article confirms and supplements the study of Vladimir Larin that is outlined in his book “Hydridic Earth

Knowing the rules of elements distribution in the Solar system, we calculated the original content of elements in the zone of the Earth formation. Accordingly, the Earth at the time of its formation contained up to 18 weight percent of hydrogen. Of course, the main mass of the hydrogen escaped, we have calculated that about one-fifth of the mass may still reside in inner Earth, combined into hydrides of other elements. This hydrogen, is according to our view slowly seeping from the Earth core in different places of our planet, as we are observing in our expeditions http://hydrogen-future.com/en/page-id-18.html
Very modest analysis shows that even 1% of initial natural hydrogen will be enough for humanity for billion years to meet our energy needs in current consumption rate. And such resource will be more ecological than the use of hydrocarbons. This study shows that hydrogen economy is our real future.
Before publication on the arXiv site, this article was submitted to journals with the highest impact factors. And, as too many papers, it does not pass the editorial board: “...although this work is interesting, it does not have the broad appeal needed for the audience of XXX ” is the shared editor answer… We would have preferred something like: “...although this work is interesting, it does not fit the prevalent theories…”.
Yes, we do know that our analysis of data, published on this site http://arxiv.org/abs/1208.2909, challenges the mainstream notions about the formation of the Solar system, and we hope we will be more successful in publishing in more specialized journals to open a scientific dialog on the subject that we imagine will be fascinating.
Famous physicist Louis de Broglie (founder of the quantum mechanics) said: “History shows that science progress was constantly fettered by tyrannical influence of certain concepts, when they began to be regarded as a dogma. For this reason, periodically the statements that were accepted without discussions must fall under deep study




Research on the influence of hydrogen degassing of the Earth upon the safety of nuclear power plants.

Last Updated: Thursday, 05 March 2015 15:45

Written by Ларин Николай.


The publication of article about the possible connection of Chernobyl disaster and Sasovo events (http://hydrogen-future.com/tchernobyl.html) resulted into organization of co-operation with the Department of Ecology of Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering in order to study the influence of hydrogen degassing of the Earth upon the safety of nuclear power plants.

We came back from our IFPEN-cooperated expedition to Oman

Last Updated: Thursday, 05 March 2015 15:44

Written by Ларин Николай.


In February 2012 we and IFPEN conducted the second joint scientific expedition aimed to explore the degassing of natural hydrogen. This time the work was carried out in Oman, which has been known for its seepages of natural hydrogen. The expedition was to verify the presence of hydrogen degassing outside the serpentinites (which in traditional geology are considered to be almost the only source of natural hydrogen), as well as the presence of geological structures described in Hydridic Earth theory.


The results were very positive and have shown a deeper origin for hydrogen than previously thought. Among the possible interpretations, results are consistent with Hydridic Earth theory. They will be published soon in a scientific geological journal.


In the areas where rivers intersect hydrogen seepage zones, the degassing can be clearly seen in the form of hydrogen bubbles, with hydrogen concentration up to 82%. The river near the village of Al Haylayn.


Oman peridotites


Our camp in Jebel Akdar on the carbonate falls and mountains of peridotites in background.



A group for exchange of scientific articles has been created

Last Updated: Thursday, 05 March 2015 15:42

Written by Ларин Николай.


We’ve created a group for exchange of scientific articles on the largest scientific social network Mendeley. We will supplement it with news and links on scientific articles connected with the theory of primordially hydrogen-rich Earth. It is an open group so anyone can join it.

If you have some articles we didn’t add to our collection, please share them in the group’s library. Together we can make a fairly complete collection of articles on the theory of primordially hydrogen-rich Earth, natural hydrogen emissions and other related phenomena.

The group’s official language is English as the group is international. Please add comments or news in English (or duplicate them if the original information is in Russian). When adding articles in Russian please mention the keywords in English.


Our participation in Goldschmidt 2011

Last Updated: Thursday, 05 March 2015 15:41

Written by Ларин Николай.


New data obtained by a team from French Institute of Petroleum and New Energies and Ukrainian Association for Hydrogen Energy was presented at the international conference Goldschmidt 2011, held in Prague in August this year. The summary was published in Mineralogical Magazine, Vol. 75 (3), 2011. We participated in order to discuss the new data our team will soon publish with scientists and experts in the field of geochemistry.

Find this paper on Mendeley.

There has been added a new section called "Hydrogen degassing and Major Disasters" to the site

Last Updated: Thursday, 05 March 2015 15:40

Written by Ларин Николай.

This section contains some works of our colleague V.L. Syvorotkin. He is the author of a concept which explains a wide range of simultaneous disasters that periodically violate the evolutionary stages of the planet. Intensification of deep degassing causes volcanic outbreaks and induces seismic activity. Emissions of the reducing gases to the bottom waters lead to massive loss of aerobic biota. When hydrogen rises to the stratosphere it causes ozone layer destruction. Ozone holes let through additional thermal energy causing weather and climate anomalies, and let through UV radiation which depresses biota.