The results of studies of the damage caused by hydrogen streams from the bowels of the planet upon the upper soil layer, the content of humus and consequently the fertility of the arable land.
Written by PhD Sukhanova N.I. from the Soil Science Faculty of the Lomonosov Moscow State University
Photos by A.I. Sysolin from the Geological Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University
Dehumification (the loss of humus) of arable land is one of the major problems of modern ecology as it leads to soil depletion, to deterioration of its properties, and then to irreversible changes in ecosystem.
The ideas about the destructive effect of streams of molecular hydrogen upon the soil organic matter as a concequence of hydrogen degassing of the planet were for the first time expressed in a hypothesis.
Such an effect can be seen on the ring-shaped structures of subsidence, which are easy to see on satellite images: they are represented by light rings and circles at the outlets of hydrogen streams. They are especially easy to see in the black earth area.