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Video: Stone Chimneys of the Kyzylkum Desert

Last Updated: Tuesday, 21 February 2017 11:50

Written by Viacheslav Zgonnik.

Based on video our team prepared during our recent expedition to the Kyzylkum Desert (which we described in this news), our team created a film, describing the unique natural phenomenon of sand melting under action of yet unknown natural process.

The Mysterious Blue Craters on Mercury

Last Updated: Monday, 30 January 2017 11:56

Written by Viacheslav Zgonnik.

On color photographs of Mercury, obtained from the Messenger satellite, one can see that the planet’s surface is coated with a mysterious dark blue substance in places, often around large craters. Some of the craters’ central peaks are also composed of this blue substance and rise to great heights. This observation has puzzled scientists and been a source of speculation for ufologists, who immediately labeled these places as traces of ancient civilizations.

Degas Crater 580x525
Crater Degas on Mercury. Colors are natural.
However, these observations fit perfectly into the framework of the Hydridic Earth theory, which is more evidence in its favor.

Гул Земли

Last Updated: Thursday, 05 March 2015 13:04

Written by Ларин В.Н., Ларин Н.В..

(геологи В.Ларин и Н.Ларин о причинах явления)

В последнее время интернет заполнили сообщения о странном гуле, который периодически идет из недр Земли. Это загадочное явление было отмечено во многих регионах по всему земному шару. Раньше такого и в таких масштабах вроде бы не было и это нервирует обитателей планеты.

Examining the soil damage caused by natural hydrogen flows

Last Updated: Friday, 06 March 2015 08:16

Written by Суханова Н.И..


The results of studies of the damage caused by hydrogen streams from the bowels of the planet upon the upper soil layer, the content of humus and consequently the fertility of the arable land.

Written by PhD Sukhanova N.I. from the Soil Science Faculty of the Lomonosov Moscow State University
Photos by A.I. Sysolin from the Geological Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University

Dehumification (the loss of humus) of arable land is one of the major problems of modern ecology as it leads to soil depletion, to deterioration of its properties, and then to irreversible changes in ecosystem.
The ideas about the destructive effect of streams of molecular hydrogen upon the soil organic matter as a concequence of hydrogen degassing of the planet were for the first time expressed in a hypothesis.
Such an effect can be seen on the ring-shaped structures of subsidence, which are easy to see on satellite images: they are represented by light rings and circles at the outlets of hydrogen streams. They are especially easy to see in the black earth area.

The heat wave in Russia

Last Updated: Friday, 06 March 2015 11:33

Written by В.Ларин, Н.Ларин.

V. Larin, N. Larin

The causes of the abnormal heat wave and some forecasts from everyman’s point of view

The abnormally high temperature in the European Russia made meteorologists face the general public and forced them to confess that they were completely unaware of the causes of this phenomenon. It was interesting to watch the evolution of terminology. At first they talked about an anticyclone, but anticyclones (like any cyclones) are atmospheric vortexes, which move along the surface of the planet at a speed of 30-40 km per hour. However, the Russian "anticyclone" stood still, and in two weeks it was called a "blocking anticyclone". Within 50 days it became impossible to keep calling the phenomenon an anticyclone (i.e. a vortex). This would be a refusal to see the obvious, and on August, 12 the director of the Russian Meteorology Centre Roman Vilfand used the new term "atmospheric block".