Stone Chimneys of the Kyzylkum Desert
Last Updated: Wednesday, 30 November 2016 09:44
These stone chimneys are among the more amazing natural features on our planet. Their age is estimated at not more than a few tens of thousands of years. On the geological scale of time, this means recently.
Popular opinions indicate that this is petrified wood, but this cannot be the case because inside of the "trunks" there are melted inclusions of small stones. The tubes consist of sand, fused in one piece at very high temperatures. At the bottom, they were transformed into shells. This indicates a kind of "roasting" process was involved, but the source of heat was not below them. This is because under the shells there are loose deposits in form of unconsolidated sands. This means that the observed melting of the rocks was not due to magmatic processes. We see this source of heat in chemical reactions.
"Petrified forest" on the edge of young depression Djarakuduk. Kyzylkum, Uzbekistan. Picture was taken 24.10.2016 by Larin N. and Zgonnik V. Camera Phantom 4 provided by Larin V. junior.