The book Hydridic Earth from Polar Publishing
Last Updated: Friday, 02 December 2016 17:15
Hydridic Earth: the New Geology of Our Primordially Hydrogen-rich Planet
by Vladimir N. Larin, C. Warren Hunt, editor on translation
1993, Available in paper format from Polar publishing, ISBN 0-9694506-2-1
In the late sixties the author discovered that hydrogen under pressure mobilizes otherwise rigid crystalline, rock-forming elements. This book explores the profound geological consequences of the phenomenon, essentially creating entirely new geological theory. Any serious student of the earth must take into account Vladimir Larin's challenges to orthodoxy.
During the writing of Expanding Geospheres, E.A. Skobelin brought it to the editor's attention that the Russian geologist, V.N. Larin had published a theory of hydrogen degassing in Russian over ten years earlier. On being contacted, Dr. Larin explained that he had worked on the concept from the time he first recognized it in 1968, and that his experiments in high-pressure petrology, geosynclinal folding, and other aspects of hydrogen systematics were ongoing and had provided him with many proofs. Text translation of a new and much expanded text was commissioned by Polar Publishing in Moscow, after which the author and editor collaborated to develop this book, which was first printed in December, 1993.
Link to download this book in different formats from the site
Starting with first principles, Larin shows that ionization potentials are the only feasible explanation for the distribution of elements and mass in the solar system and that the Earth must have accreted without melting, its core at first being a hydrogen-saturated mixture of elements of the "intermetal" type. Intermetals, which the author has created and studied in the laboratory, are metals that have been phase-changed by injection of "proton gas" [H nuclei] within their electron orbits.
This is new cosmo-chemistry, and it mitigates new geology by introducing entirely new concepts such as metallic composition for the middle and lower mantle, silicate-oxide composition being confined to the upper mantle and crust. A new theory of geosyncline development is proven with laboratory models, resolving old enigmas while [presciently] not conflicting with the geoidal deformation concept of geosyncline development set forth by Peter James in his later book of this series. Larin deals in detail with formation of Earth's crust and with problems of plate tectonics, continental drifting as posited by PT enthusiasts.
Detailed chapters are devoted to seafloor spreading, to evolution of oceans, to rifting, trench development, and to metallogeny of rifts. Oceanic metal anomalies are shown to originate from deep planetary levels, rather than by surficial relocation of metals. Resolution is reached for long-standing paradoxes of isotope dating of the Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, and U-Pb systems. New concepts of the origin and behavior of planetary magnetic fields and other enigmas related to the geology of the terrestriial planets and the Moon [e.g. mascons] are enunciated.
- Foreword
- How Much Truth is There in the Prevailing Tenets of the Earth Sciences?
- Comparative Cosmochemistry and Determining the Original Composition of the Earth
Evolution of the Primordial Hydridic Earth to its Present Composition- The nature of the interactivity between hydrogen and metals
- Metal purification by hydrogen
- Evolution of the hydridic Earth
- A new geochemical model of the Earth
- Mantle Physics and Earth Models
- Oxidic composition and the physics of the mantle
- The new Earth model and mantle physics
- Problems of the iron core
- A metallized silicate core
- A hydrogen-bearing core and its physics
- Compressibility of hydrides and the inner core
- Metals containing hydrogen and the outer core
- Experimental verification of "liquefaction" of metals by hydrogen "proton gas"
- Tectonic Consequences of the Hypothesis of A Primordially Hydridic Earth
- An expanding Earth
- The geosynclinal process, its cause and mechanics
- Experiments in the modelling of fold zones
- Deep-Earth origins of planetary geodynamic evolution
- The problem of the drift of lithospheric plates
- Petrological and Geochemical Consequences of the Hypothesis of A Primordially Hydridic Earth
- Formation of the Earth's crust; the K-source enigma
- Aspects of continental crust and mantle evolution
- Trapp magmatism on platforms
- Structural Features of Ocean Floor in the Light of Expanding Earth
- Spreading vs plate tectonics
- A model of ocean evolution
- Geophysical peculiarities of the oceans
- Oceanic ores
- Metallogenic aspects of rift zones on the continents
- Isotope Geochemistry and the New Model of the Earth
- The conventional approach; its inherent paradoxes
- Resolving the isotope and cosmochemical paradoxes within the new model of the Earth
- Testing the new model through isotope geochemistry
- Planetary water volumes vs. oxygen isotope ratios
- Aspects of Planetology
- Implications of planetary chemistry
- The new model of the Earth in the light of the first and second laws of thermodynamics
- Geomagnetism and the new model of the Earth
- Interpreting the structure of the terrestrial planets
- On Possible Ways to Verify the New Hypothesis
- Energy Resources and the Ecology of the Earth in the Light of the New Model
- Epilogue - Acknowledgements - References
Every serious student of the Earth should understand the new insights of V.N. Larin as set forth in Hydridic Earth.