Shale gas in the context of hydrogen degassing of the Earth
Last Updated: Friday, 06 March 2015 11:28
Vladimir Larin, Nikolay Larin
We detected abnormally high hydrogen concentration in the subsoil air in European Russia. Studies have shown that this phenomenon is caused by the release of hydrogen streams from the bowels of the planet.
Typical "ring-shaped structures of subsidence" with diameters ranging from 100 m to several kilometers are formed near the outlets of hydrogen streams.
Previously our work was held on the Russian platform. However, according to the satellite photos similar structures can be found on all continents. They are especially widespread on the U.S. east coast (the so-called "Carolina Bays"). Americans had discovered these structures in the 1930-ies. They have been studying them carefully for decades, but the real cause of the formation of these structures remained unknown. In our opinion the cause is the same – hydrogen stream degassing from the bowels of the planet.